The Admission Interview
Dive into the literature
Think about your clinical experience
Consider why other clinicians would want to know about your work
Erica Goldblatt Hyatt DSW, LCSW, MBE
Interview: Be Yourself
Take a breath
Be true to yourself
Emma Riley DSW, LICSW
It Is A Journey​
Develop endurance to achieve the degree​​​
Lean on your classmates
Learn from your mistakes
Push yourself to grow
Alba Lopez DSW, LCSW
Prepare Yourself
Review the fundamentals of English
Be prepared to defend your position
Make room in your life for the program
Prepare your loved ones for the many late nights
Give yourself positive affirmations​​
Asa Paris DSW, LCSW
The Struggle
When you feel alone, lean on your cohort
It is not easy
You will struggle​
"The juice is worth the squeeze"
Asa Paris DSW, LCSW
Expect Negativity
You may experience resistance from colleagues
Some clinicians won't understand your pursuit of the DSW
Alba Lopez DSW, LCSW
Discredit Happens
Some see the degree as a junior Ph.D.
You will need to correct people
Get into a peer group to network​
Respect for the degree has grown in the last decade​
Erica Goldblatt Hyatt DSW, LCSW, MBE