Alba Lopez DSW, LCSW
A Dynamic Degree
Apply real-world clinical data
Provide timely updates to the field
Enrich the field through collaboration
Immerse yourself in an intense program that will broaden​ your view of practice
Field Implications
The DSW will not replace the MSW
DSWs expect to be paid more
Interdisciplinary collaboration will enhance the field
Social work research will be more accessible
Erica Goldblatt Hyatt DSW, LCSW, MBE
Elevate Social Work
Learn how to teach
Develop supervisory skills
Elevate clinical work
Enact social change
Erica Goldblatt Hyatt DSW, LCSW, MBE
Work Never Ends
Consider the expense of the degree and time it takes to achieve​​
Seek out opportunities to publish
Be bold and empower yourself
Work hard post-degree for maximum satisfaction